
Association of androgenetic alopecia with smoking and its prevalence among Asian men: a community-based survey.

Association of androgenetic alopecia with smoking and its prevalence among Asian men: a community-based survey.
男性型脱毛症と喫煙の関連性、及びアジア人男性における男性型脱毛症の発症率(a community based survey)

Su LH, Chen TH.

Department of Dermatology, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the association of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) with smoking and to estimate its prevalence among Asian men.
DESIGN: Population-based cross-sectional survey.
SETTING: Tainan County, Taiwan.
PARTICIPANTS: The eligible population consisted of all male residents 40 years or older in Tainan County. A total of 740 subjects aged 40 to 91 years participated in the survey between April 10, 2005, and June 12, 2005.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Norwood and Ludwig classifications were used to assess the degree of hair loss. Information on smoking, together with other possible risk factors and age at onset of AGA, was collected using a questionnaire interview.
RESULTS: After controlling for age and family history, statistically significant positive associations were noted between moderate or severe AGA (Norwood types > or =IV) and smoking status (odds ratio [OR], 1.77; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.14-2.76), cigarette smoking of 20 cigarettes or more per day (OR, 2.34; 95% CI, 1.19-4.59), and smoking intensity (OR, 1.78; 95% CI, 1.03-3.07). The OR of early-onset history for AGA grades increased in a dose-response pattern. Risk for moderate or severe AGA increased for family history of first-degree and second-degree relatives, as well as for paternal relatives.
CONCLUSIONS: The age-specific prevalence of AGA in Taiwan was compatible to that among Korean men but was lower than that among persons of white race/ethnicity. Smoking status, current amount of cigarette smoking, and smoking intensity were statistically significant factors responsible for AGA after controlling for age and family history. Patients with early-onset AGA should receive advice early to prevent more advanced progression.

方法: Population-based cross-sectional survey
測定方法:脱毛進行度を、Norwood分類と Ludwig分類で評価した。喫煙、その他のリスクファクター、AGAが発症した年齢に関する情報を、面接とアンケートにより収集した。
結果:年齢や家族歴を調整した上で統計処理を行ったところ、中等度以上のAGA(Norwood分類IV以上)と、喫煙、喫煙本数、及び喫煙強度との間に高い関連性が認められた。その際のodds ratio [OR]、及びconfidence interval [CI]はそれぞれ[OR],1,77、2.34、1.78、[CI] 1.14-2.76、1.19-4.59、1.03-3.07であった。AGA進行度に対する早期発症歴の[OR]は、喫煙により用量依存的に増加した。中程度以上のAGAを発症するリスクは、一世代等、及び二世代等のAGAの家族歴(父系の血縁関係におけるAGAの家族歴も含む)に対応して増加した。

引用元:Arch Dermatol. 2007 Nov;143(11):1401-6.

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